Thursday, June 4, 2015

Welcome to Advancing to Greater

I have decided to create this to satisfy a burning desire I feel inside of me to share valuable information with others.  Too often, I see people who are operating blindly, taking advice from anyone who offers it and stumbling through the world as life pushes them about.

I offer this as a place of common-sense and as an ever-growing well of knowledge for weary Internet wanderers and knowledge-seekers.  Much of what I will share here will seem obvious to the casual reader, but most people will find that they had been lacking the simple crystallization of this knowledge and how to apply it to their lives.  I hope to offer simple truths, success secrets, and financial information to any who would like to start winning at life.

This world, your life, and those around you will respond to your actions, to your sense of purpose, to your passion.
They will also react to your inaction, your lack of direction, your apathy.

Are you going to steer your ship?  Or are you going to let the winds of life blow you around?

You can change the course of your life.  You can project yourself into a greater future.
Winning at life is fun; it is rewarding, exhilarating, and satisfying.

I'm glad you're here.

Welcome to a life of Advancing to Greater.