Saturday, July 23, 2016

Have a Better Day with a Morning Routine

Want to have the best day possible?
Want to get more done?

You need to improve your morning routine.

The way you start your day can improve your entire life.
I know that sounds like a huge, crazy claim, 
but its truth has been learned over centuries.

The way you start your day takes advantage of your natural surplus of willpower in the mornings.
Every decision we make throughout the day subtracts a small amount of that precious willpower.
That's why routine matters.
We can accomplish a lot of important tasks without any decisions, 
if we make those decisions ahead of time - through the use of a routine.
Mark Zuckerberg wears the same thing every day, so did Steve Jobs. 
President Obama only wears blue or gray suits and he tries to avoid decisions about what he eats.
They are intentionally avoiding decision fatigue and keeping their precious willpower for later, more important decisions.

Here's the secret sauce: Your Evening Routine is what sets up the success of your Morning Routine.
Your Evening Routine is important.  See to it.

I have collected the items on my Morning Routine from reading books and others' blog posts about this.  I particularly like the The Mission and The Art of Manliness posts about this.  
A very highly regarded book on the topic is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

Exercise your Google-fu and your library card and find out what you might want to include in your own routine and why.  I will tell you what is a part of my routine and why.

I begin my routine as soon as I wake.

Once I wake up, I stay in my sleeping position, in bed, for a moment and try to recall my dreams. 
This helps with lucid dreaming.
Waking at the same time each day is ideal, just as it is ideal to go to bed at the same time each night.  I personally struggle with this because sometimes I like to stay up way too late watching movies or videos.

Then I sit up on the edge of the bed and reflect on gratitude and all the wonderful things that I am grateful for and then I pray.

Next, I plug in my electronics, so they can charge up while I am proceeding through the rest of my morning routine and they'll be ready to go when I am.  
I take a quick scan of my phones to see if there is anything that is both urgent and important that I must address immediately.  

The most important part of my Morning Routine comes next:
I review my To-Do List, which was completed the night before during the Evening Routine, and my Short and Long-Term Goals.
This leads right into reviewing the day's scheduled activities and the important scheduled activities for the rest of the week.
Add to your To-Do List any other items that come to mind.  If they need to be scheduled, add them to your schedule.
Try to set your schedule so that the most important things get done first.
Always schedule your workout!  If you don't, it is far less likely to happen.

With that done, I start moving.

I walk to the kitchen and drink a large glass of water.

I take a shower and, while in the shower, I do stretches and squats.

Then I shave.
The ritual of shaving with a straight razor and strop gives further time to think clearly.

Next, I dress.
I always wear the same thing to work; it is my uniform for the day.

Then, I gather my electronics, phones, books, bags, and anything else that I need to take with me that day.

Finally,  I eat my breakfast.
I always have the same thing for breakfast.  I have a large cup of Major Dickason's Blend by Peet's Coffee and Belvita Bars.

Feel free to adapt this, in any way, to your own life.
Take this concept and make it your own. 
Find a way to make it work for you.

I promise it is worth it.
I wish you a good morning and a wonderful day ahead.